By Jason Cavett, CavetTek


Growing a small business is a daunting task.

A small business owner – especially a small business owner of one – soon realizes that much of the romance around building a business quickly falls away when you are the person who must deliver the product or service, make the sales, handle the issues, do the billing, and generally figure things out. If you don’t, you don’t get paid. The buck literally stops with you.

With perseverance, a good product or service, and (let’s be honest, small business owners) a good network of family and friends to give you your early referrals and leads, the business starts to grow. One day, you realize you have more work than you know what to do with and you need help!

I was in such a situation in early 2022. I had started CavetTek to be a website design and digital marketing agency specifically geared towards small businesses. After helping a friend build his own business website, and a strong referral program, leads started rolling in and so did the work. Seeing the amount of requests for more marketing pile up in my inbox was enough to keep me up at night and I knew I needed help.

This is the beauty of kTown Hall.

kTown Hall is a wonderful place in which to get work done. kTown Hall’s phone booths for private meetings are a thing of genius. The clean design and decor allows for focus without sacrificing style. But to say that kTown Hall is a place to get work done is just scratching the surface of what kTown Hall provides. kTown Hall brings people together from all walks of life and business. In a world where networking is often relegated to a carefully curated LinkedIn profile or a person’s Twitter stream, kTown Hall provides a place to meet, talk, and share.

This is where I met Amy Miller. If the name sounds familiar it’s because she is kTown Hall’s Community Manager. In meeting her and getting to know her, I learned Amy was also a writer, and a talented one at that! This connection, made thank you to kTown Hall, has improved the service I can provide to my customers. Amy has supported CavetTek in writing and developing content for CavetTek’s many small business types: wedding photography, plumbing and water treatment, HVAC, and more!

A face-to-face connection is something humans need. A face-to-face connection is something businesses need. kTown Hall provides that opportunity to meet people outside your immediate circles. Learn more about joining this community and making connections that you would never have expected.